Bullet With Our Name On
Bullet With Our Name On
There are Cpls that we follow
There are Sgts that inspire
There are officers that lead us over the top
And through the wire
While those bloody fools in London
Lay their heads down and retire
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
There are nights we sit for hours
Doing bugger all but freeze
There are days we stand around
With stinking water to our knees
While those bloody fools in London
Settle down to wine and cheese
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
It's a game of chess they're playing
But the pawns they move are us
And they push us one square forward
On our bellies if we must
While those bloody fools in London
Call it proper, right and just
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
Now Harry started shaking
And his eyes were staring wide
So me and Billy held him tight as like a babe he cried
And those bloody fools in London
Call it patriotic pride
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
What's that bloody racket there
It's nothing Bill replied
And we kept our Harry upright
Standing fast on either side
And those bloody fools in London
Should be truly satisfied
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
The Sgt fell at fifteen yards
The Cpl twenty more
And the young Lieutenants oozing body
Crumpled to the floor
And those bloody fools in London
Added three more to the score
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
We looked up to see our Harry
Charging head long at the guns
Brandishing his bayonet
And silencing the Huns
What those bloody fools in London
Would most surely see as fun
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
By sundown we had lost the hundred yards
That we had gained
And to crawl back to our trench
The only option that remained
Whilst those bloody fools in London
Thought of who was to be blamed
There's a bullet with our name on out there somewhere
Lyrics Credits: John Evans
Music Credits: John Evans
Producer Credits: John Evans
Performance Credits: John Evans
Short Song Description: From the album 'Chums'. Those bloody fools in London!, is it just a matter of time?
Story Behind the Song: From the album 'Chums'. Those bloody fools in London!, is it just a matter of time?
Song Length: 2:54
Primary Genre: Folk-General
Secondary Genre: Folk-Traditional