Dark Lakota Skies
Keep the line my lads and look about
For there's danger all around
We'll either be back in Laramie
Or corpses on the ground
Keep the line my lads we've far to go
Till we see Wyoming's plains
If we should fall on the trail at all
No grave will show our names
Ride on my lads, ride on my lads
There's whiskey and women waiting by
Ride on my lads, ride on my lads
Let's leave these dark Lakota skies
Though we carry gold a wealth untold
From the green Montana hills
We risk our skins for the clothes we're in
No hundred dollar bills
And we love to curse our empty purse
We love to curse and swear
But if we should choose between boots or shoes
We'd choose the open air
Ride on my lads, ride on my lads
There's whiskey and women waiting by
Ride on my lads, ride on my lads
Let's leave these dark Lakota skies
If we hear the noise of Red Clouds boys
We'll send them straight to hell
They'll understand this is our land
They'll understand that well
So keep the line my lads and look about
Keep the horses nose to tail
We'll churn the mud or we'll spill our blood
Along the Bozeman trail
Ride on my lads, ride on my lads
There's whiskey and women waiting by
Ride on my lads, ride on my lads
Let's leave these dark Lakota skies
Lyrics Credits: John Evans
Music Credits: John Evans
Producer Credits: John Evans
Performance Credits: John Evans
Short Song Description: track 6 of concept album Eagle
Song Length: 4:03
Primary Genre: Folk-General
Secondary Genre: Folk-Traditional